541.787.4395 (Pacific Time Zone) kristen@kristenoneillart.com
Breaking the Overworking Habit

Breaking the Overworking Habit

As a painter, it can be tempting to keep adding more and more details to a painting in an effort to make it perfect. However, overworking a painting can often have the opposite effect, making the painting look cluttered and overburdened. Establish a Focal Point By...
Overcoming Perfectionism

Overcoming Perfectionism

What are you aiming for? If we are striving for a great final painting, we can cause issues for ourselves by being stuck on perfectionism. The fear of making a mistake that we can’t recover from, or perhaps making a lack-luster painting, is something that can...
Avoiding Muddy Colors: 7 Tips for Painters

Avoiding Muddy Colors: 7 Tips for Painters

As a painter, you want your colors to be vibrant and lively, but sometimes, your colors can end up looking dull and muddy. This is a common problem for artists, but it can be prevented with a few simple techniques. Here are some tips to help you avoid muddy colors in...